Indonesia is the third largest emitter of greenhouse gases and 85 percent of that comes from cutting down trees. The wood from the forests helps fuel the countries economy. The wood is used to make hardwood furniture and paper. Millions of acres have been deforested. The forest destruction between 1998 and 2002 is a dark chapter in the history of the state forest company Perhutani, which is part of the Indonesian Forest Department. According to some figures, around 150,000 hectares of teak forest were destroyed by poor villagers following the political and social chaos in the post-Suharto era. But the plundering still continues, even if at a lower level. Krisdomo, the head of the Forest Stakeholders Association in the region of Parangantuban (phonetic spelling), says that although vast areas of forest have been destroyed, it's not benefited the local people. They still live in poverty.